Senator Pittman E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Street Improvements in Starford and Commodore, Indiana County, to Receive Multimodal Transportation Funding
  • Kittanning Suburban Joint Water Authority Receives $3.42 million in PENNVEST Funding for System Upgrades
  • A Visit with Political Communications Students at the University of Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning
  • Applications Open for Watershed Cleanup Grants
  • Share Your Views on PennDOT’s Winter Services
  • Summer Camp for Teens Interested in Law Enforcement, Military
  • Call 811 Before Excavation Projects
  • Child Abuse Prevention Month

Street Improvements in Starford and Commodore, Indiana County, to Receive Multimodal Transportation Funding

Street improvements for two Indiana County communities will receive $145,729 in funding through Pennsylvania’s Multimodal Transportation Fund.

The funding will be used to reconstruct or rehabilitate several roads in the villages of Starford and Commodore, which are in Green Township, Indiana County. The roads to be improved include Lighthouse Road; Railroad, City, Teak, Short, Teddy, Parker, and Rhododendron streets in Starford; and Olive and Redbud streets in Commodore.  

These are very important and long overdue improvements to streets in the communities of Starford and Commodore. These investments are a continuation of our efforts to improve the road network throughout northern Indiana County, and while there is a lot more work to do, this is a very important step in the right direction and I am confident there will be more to come in the future.

The Multimodal Transportation Fund provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to the residents of the commonwealth. Funds may be used for the development, rehabilitation and enhancement of transportation assets to existing communities, streetscape, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets and transit-oriented development.

Kittanning Suburban Joint Water Authority Receives $3.42 million in PENNVEST Funding for System Upgrades

The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) this week awarded a $3.42 million loan to the Kittanning Suburban Joint Water Authority, in Armstrong County, to make various improvements to its water system.

The reliability of the treatment plant needs to be improved, and the system needs other enhancements as well. The funding will ensure these upgrades can be made.

The project intends to update the water treatment plant’s controls as well as add an air scour to the plant’s filters to better wash the filter media. Additionally, a portion of the funding will be used to replace a 300,000-gallon water tank, paint two other tanks and install mixers on all six of the system’s water tanks. 

PENNVEST is not supported by the state’s General Fund budget, which covers the daily operations and services of the Commonwealth. Financing is provided through the use of federal funding and prior bond issues by the state as well as proceeds from the Marcellus Shale Impact Fee legislation, Act 13 of 2012.

A Visit with Political Communications Students at the University of Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning

Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking to a political communications class at the University of Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning. The students were engaging with on-point questions and comments. Thank you to Dr. Shuster for inviting me to spend some time with his class – I enjoyed it!

Applications Open for Watershed Cleanup Grants

Applications are being accepted for Growing Greener Plus grants to help protect creeks, rivers and other waterways from pollution and restore impaired watersheds.

The funding supports projects aimed at reducing nonpoint source pollution, which is caused by abandoned mine drainage, urban and agricultural runoff, on-lot sewage systems, earthmoving, and streambank and shoreline degradation.

Eligible applicants include counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, county conservation districts, watershed organizations, councils of governments, educational institutions and other authorized organizations involved in water resource restoration and protection.

Share Your Views on PennDOT’s Winter Services

How did PennDOT do this winter? Motorists have until April 29 to provide feedback via an online survey.

The 17-question survey asks respondents about their timeline expectations for safe and passable roadways, how they rank snow-removal priorities and how they rate PennDOT’s winter services.

The survey should take about five minutes to complete. All responses are completely anonymous.

Summer Camp for Teens Interested in Law Enforcement, Military

Teens ages 15 to 17 interested in a career in law enforcement or the military can apply now for a summer leadership camp held by the Pennsylvania State Police, Pennsylvania National Guard and the American Legion.

The Elmer Hafer-American Legion-State Police-National Guard Youth Camp will be held June 5-11 at Messiah University in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County. The cost is $175.

During the camp, cadets work on team-building exercises, physical fitness training, classroom activities involving police and military careers and a marksmanship course. Cadets will also visit the State Police Academy in Hershey and Fort Indiantown Gap National Guard Training Center in Lebanon County. In addition, the camp offers three $1,000 scholarship awards at the conclusion of the week.

Call 811 Before Excavation Projects

Nearly half of all underground line “hits” occurring during excavations are caused by failure to contact the PA One Call system by calling 811 before digging, or failure to wait the required three business days before projects begin.

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission is using Safe Digging Month to remind homeowners, businesses, contractors and anyone else involved in excavation projects of the importance of calling 811 before any project begins and allowing time for utility operators to locate and mark their lines before any digging.

Hits on underground lines pose a danger to contractors, utility workers, nearby residents and bystanders. Each incident carries the possibility of serious injuries, service interruptions and costly repairs.

Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to rededicate ourselves to strengthening families and preventing child abuse and neglect.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides an array of information aimed at preventing child abuse, protecting children from the risk of abuse and promoting healthy families.

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