HARRISBURG –The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) has awarded more than $22.1 million in grants and low-interest loans to make needed wastewater treatment improvements for three projects in Armstrong and Westmoreland Counties, according to Sen. Joe Pittman (R-41) and Rep. Abby Major (R-60).
“I commend local leaders for undertaking these important projects,” Pittman said. “Water systems are extremely vital to the health of a community, but very expensive to build and maintain. I’m pleased these substantial grants and low-interest loans were approved by PENNVEST and will provide support for critical improvements. The funding will certainly be a central part of helping to safeguard our local water supplies and protect public health.”
“I strongly supported the two Ford City projects and Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control Authority project within the 60th Legislative District,” Major said. “Clean, safe, lead-free water should be an expectation when someone turns on the tap. Water is a basic necessity for life. In addition, proper treatment of wastewater helps protect the environment and prevents disease. I look forward to the completion of these three projects.”
Ford City Borough in Armstrong County is being awarded nearly $20 million in funding for two waterline improvement projects. The system currently serves approximately 1,335 residential customers within the Borough of Ford City and a small portion of Manor Township. The two projects for which funding has been approved include:
- Cast Iron Waterline Replacement project – $14,325,000
This funding includes a $9,554,500 grant and a $4,770,500 low-interest loan. Most of Ford City Borough’s distribution system consists of cast iron waterline with lead joints. The state investment will allow Ford City Borough to continue the ongoing replacement of distribution lines within its existing system to achieve compliance with state and federal drinking water regulations. The existing lines will be replaced with plastic water mains, eliminating public health hazards from lead and rust, as well as reducing the frequency of leaks and breaks.
- Lead Service Line Replacement project – $5,600,000
This funding consists of a $2,407,081 grant and a $3,192,919 low-interest loan. Approximately 1,245 existing lead service lines, consisting of leaded gooseneck or galvanized steel service connections, will be removed and replaced in the service area with plastic piping. The work will encompass associated excavation, backfill and restoration. Of the 1,245 service lines slated for replacement 1,225 are residential customers and 20 are commercial or industrial customers.
Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control Authority, which provides services in Armstrong and Westmoreland Counties, is being awarded a $2,205,000 low-interest loan for the Sludge Digester Expansion Enhancement project. The Authority will improve efficiency by converting two existing concrete holding tanks into digesters, installing a mixing system in all current and new digestion tanks and replacing the existing belt filter press. The existing system serves 11,424 residential customers with a population of 36,940. The total cost of the project is $5,215,590 with the additional $3,010,590 secured through local financing.
PENNVEST financing is provided through the use of federal funding and prior bond issues by the state as well as proceeds from the Marcellus Shale Impact Fee legislation, Act 13 of 2012.
Media Contacts:
Kate Eckhart Flessner (Sen. Pittman)
Tracy Polovick (Rep. Major)